Thursday, July 7, 2011

From This Day Forward

       Learning to love your friend, who loves you is not so difficult. It is not simple, but it is not impossible either. All you have to do is to have some patience, accept their weaknesses, understand their possessiveness, and love them not just for what they are, but for what they are to you. Having someone who loves you is a wonderful thing. It makes you feel like you have the strength to face all problems in life, as long as they are there for you. Frankly speaking, I have some great friends. About one whom I've already written a full article. I am lucky to have many who have touched my heart in a special way.
          My point is that, loving someone BACK is not difficult. But loving a friend when you know full well that you are not loved back?? Our heart is such an irrational thing that takes seemingly stupid and illogical decisions at times. It never let you (in my case, it never does) hate someone, whom you have decided to love, even if that someone breaks your heart again and again. Your heart keeps on hoping that there will still be a tiny bit of love in your friend's heart. keeps wishing for a miracle that will make everything normal again.
         But mind you, that never happens.We have to live with the pain of losing a part of our heart. We have to accept that life will never be the same again. We have to defy all principles of life and agree that, sometimes, life is dirty, it never play fair, and we will be left with a broken heart for reasons unknown.
           I'm always grateful to my Krishna for giving me some truly amazing friends..Archu, Anagha, Anju, my cousin Krishna, my mum, my bro, Nebu, my friends (from my 7Th std,till forever)- Amal, Hari, Albin and Lucy...and many many others....I'm grateful that He gave me back some friends whom I thought I had lost. But  I'm still not able to accept that I have to go on from this day forward, without some people, whom I've thought the world of once. Life does pain a lot at times...

A final note...

            I have yet to know why people say college life was the best time in their lives. But today when I went to my own college for ...